Tan Sok Fung
B.Sc. (Chem.), GCIP
Senior Patent Associate
Direct: +65 6303 6226
Email: tan.sokfung@amicalaw.com

Tan Sok Fung is a Senior Patent Associate of Amica Law LLC, and has been in practice for over 15 years, focusing on intellectual property with a primarily focus in IP protection of Patents.
Sok Fung graduated from the National University of Singapore with a B.Sc degree in Chemistry, where she focused in the areas of organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry and physical chemistry. She also undertook general mathematics and computational science in her degree.
Sok Fung has completed FICPI’s South East Asian Patent Drafting Course (SEAD) in Year 2000 and the Graduate Certificate Course in Intellectual Property Law in Year 2003.
Her work encompasses advising clients on:
Filing and prosecuting patent applications both locally and internationally from the initial stages to the grant of the patents
Conducting patent searches, reviewing patent specifications and filing amendments to patents/applications
The law, requirements and procedures for recording assignments, licenses and other changes in title relating to patents/applications
Drafting of patent specifications
Key Practice Areas
Patent Protection